
Building financial capability

The banking products and tips you need, but in non-bank speak. We don't speak in financial jargon. In fact, we're on a mission to help you understand and reach your financial goals.

Your bank lender isn’t just someone who helps you borrow some money, they’re someone you can go to for guidance and someone you can trust. That’s why it’s important for us to be just that, a trusted adviser.

Relationship Manager Neil Boyd, from our Business Banking team in Lismore knows just how important it is to build trust and go the extra mile for his clients around the Northern Rivers region.

Just when you thought managing your own personal tax was hard, a third wheel comes into the picture. As a new parent, managing your baby’s finances might not be at the top of your priority list – but believe it or not, understanding the tax obligations of your infant child can be important.

They say love conquers all. But for modern-day matrimony, it’s no match for life’s escalating expenses, with many couples choosing to say ‘nup’ to the nuptials.

When it comes to banking, it pays not to put all your golden eggs in one basket.

Just as our tastes in music, clothes, friends, dates, hangouts, and cheese all change as we get older, so do our financial needs and our habits.

Assessing your financial capability is easier than you think.

It seems scammers are getting better every day at appearing legitimate. A relatively recent technique involves scammers impersonating banks by making calls to customers that appear to be genuine but are designed to steal your money.

In the face of dizzyingly high house prices and a cost-of-living crisis, young Australians are increasingly turning to their parents for financial support – but it might be time to get yourself a better back-up plan.

You can’t always get what you want. Sometimes, you have to go with your back-up plan – and sometimes, your back-up plan turns out to be your best-case scenario. Here are five situations where people were forced to go with their second option and got first-class results.

When it comes to running your own agribusiness, we know that industry know-how and strong connections are key.

That’s why we’d like to introduce you to one of BCU Bank’s agribusiness specialists, Relationship Manager Steven Anderson, from our Business Banking (Agribusiness) team in Lismore, NSW.

Guest article from Mozo experts choice judge Peter Marshall

BCU Bank has been recognised in the 2024 Mozo Experts Choice Home Loan Awards, scooping awards in both the Fixed Rate and Investor Home Loan categories.

As a business owner, you want to put your business in the hands of a team you can trust – and we get that. So, let’s get to know your BCU Bank business banking team on a deeper level.

We’d like to introduce you to Darren Underhill, Senior Manager of BCU’s Queensland Business Banking team, based in our Brisbane office.

Money is one of the most common causes of fights between couples (ranking just below the classic debate about who forgot to change the toilet paper roll). When you were single, you could spend your money however you wanted – but as a couple, you need to get on the same page, and that can lead to some heated arguments

Guest article from Finder money editor Richard Whitten

The 2024 Finder Home Loan Awards looked at more than 3,000 home loans to judge the top home loans in the market. This year, BCU Bank’s home loans won in two award categories, and was highly commended in two further categories.

Dreaming of that Euro trip for your 40th birthday, or a Bali escape with your besties? We feel you. According to a recent travel trends report by Luxury Escapes, nine out of ten Aussies will be gearing up for a travel adventure in 2024.

Your car breaks down on a quiet road. Your fridge calls it quits a year after the warranty expires. A sudden family emergency means unplanned travel. Life loves to throw curveballs our way – and let’s be honest, it happens to all of us.

It’s never been harder to save money. Everywhere you look – from your email inbox and your social accounts, to the signage at the bus stops (and the signage ON the bus) – there’s someone asking for your hard-earned money. It costs money to go out. It costs money to be out. It costs money to get home. And then you can spend money from the comfort of the couch at home, too.

As you step into the professional world, establishing healthy financial habits early could mean the difference between living paycheck-to-paycheck and achieving your financial goals.

Ever wondered how your savings compare with the crowd? Here’s what the average Australian’s bank balance looks like – and what you can do to supercharge your savings.

With the cost of rent continuing to rise across Australia, it’s never been more important for renters to develop smart money habits.

Ready to take control of your finances and start kicking goals?

Sick and tired of the same old "make food at home" advice? Join the club!

Saving money can be challenging so it’s important to find a savings account that helps you to reach your savings goals.

Our new-look Grafton BCU Bank branch is now open, and we want to celebrate with you!

There’s a lot to think about when looking to buy a new home. Before you start looking at property listings, it’s worthwhile taking the time to understand your borrowing power and how much you may need to save for a house deposit.

Have you heard? Our new-look Toormina BCU Bank branch is now open, and we want to celebrate with you!

If your fixed rate home loan expires in less than 12 months, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what could happen when your fixed rate term ends.

When it comes to a home loan application, your broker or bank will need some important information to confirm your identity and your capacity to repay the debt.

Whether you are a first-time home buyer or are refinancing, we’ve put together a list of what information you’ll need when applying for a home loan.

Understanding the different types of home loans can be confusing, especially for first home buyers.

We’ve outlined the differences to help you determine the most suitable home loan type for you.

Guest article from Finder money editor Richard Whitten

BCU Bank put in a strong showing at the 2023 Finder Home Loans Awards, receiving highly commended results for five award categories.

With rising property prices in many parts of Australia, it can sometimes feel impossible to get a foot on the property ladder. BCU Bank is proud to be part of the Home Guarantee Scheme, an Australian government initiative to help home buyers realise their home ownership dream.

With a few changes you can pay off your home loan sooner and save money.

Most people have at least one financial goal. It could be a small one, like purchasing a rad new pair of sneakers, or a big one, like a wedding or purchasing a property.

Whatever your plans, reaching a financial goal is usually easier said than done.

So, you want, or need, to improve your budget but don’t have the time to sit down with a spreadsheet and input every single purchase that you’ve made since payday (yep, even your $2 snag at Bunnings)?

Neither do we.

These days there’s an app for everything – from finding true love to managing your household chores, and everything in between.

Whether you’re out and about, at work, or just hanging around the house, our online banking solutions will make accessing and managing your accounts simple, no matter where you are.

Saving for a deposit is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome when beginning your property journey.

If you are renting and paying bills, trying to save for a deposit at the same time can seem overwhelming.

Here are five tips to help you save your deposit as quickly as possible.

After all, it’s your money. At BCU Bank, you can still walk into our branches, talk with a human, get on the phone, or bank using our digital services. Plus, much more.

At BCU Bank, our members act like they own the place – because they do.

For many homeowners, interest rates are becoming an increasing cause for concern.

BCU Bank believes every Australian should feel confident when it comes to their finances – so we’re cutting out the bank jargon and giving it to you straight.

And so do we. Belong to the bank that puts members and the community first.

Refinancing can be a great way to ensure your home loan meets your needs.

Continue the momentum by considering these steps to ensure you get the most out of your new home loan.

My oh mymo. BCU Bank’s new app makes managing your money easier than ever, with all your accounts in one place.

BCU Bank’s award-winning home loans are flexible and designed specifically for you, our members. Here’s what you can expect when you choose a BCU home loan.

The annual Primex sustainable farming and primary industries expo will return to Casino on 11-13 May.

If you’ve had your home loan for more than a couple of years, your circumstances and needs may have changed.

Reviewing your home loan is a good way to check it’s meeting your needs and helping you to reach your financial goals.

With the cost of living rising, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re making the most of your money.

Your home loan is a significant debt but there are ways that you could reduce the associated costs.

Here are five ways you could save on your home loan.

Every family has a go-to person for all their tech questions. The one who can get the TV connected to Netflix, navigate the world of passwords, sort out the dodgy Wi-Fi, or help install programs on the family PC.

If this sounds like you and is your unofficial family job, there are some good basics to be across that will hold you in good stead, and hopefully stop some of the most common issues arising in the first place.

If your tactics for shopping the online Boxing Day sales could give the Boxing Day test a run for its money, or Cyber Monday, Prime Day, and VOSN sales are already scheduled into your calendar, you may not be too concerned about your online security.

However, scams are constantly evolving so even the most seasoned online shopper should take a moment to review their online security before shopping up a storm.

Our smart phones are a central part of our lives – we take photos of family, keep up with friends, plan holidays, do all our banking and even make calls!

That’s a lot of personal information all in one place. Not to mention, the significant cost of a smartphone itself – especially if you have to repair or replace it.

As an eligible home buyer, you could receive thousands of dollars in state grants or concessions.

New year, new you? How to create (and stick to) a financial resolution.

With the holiday period coming up, it’s almost time to start thinking about the preparation required to send the kids back to school.

From the moment your child is born, all you want to do is give them the best future.

Whether it’s enrolling them into an award-winning school, signing them up to their favourite sport club, or helping them apply for their chosen university degree, supporting your child’s education is one of the best gifts you can give.

If you’re someone who uses your credit card every day and pays off the balance each month, it could be worth switching to a credit card with a rewards program.  

Our Lending Manager, David Cawthorne, has always been a numbers man.

His love for mathematics and accounting kick-started his 38-year career in the finance and banking industry.

With a Bachelor of Business, MBA, psychology degree and more than 10 years’ experience in retail and business banking, Brisbane Mobile Lender Brigid Chow is your “go to” when it comes to talking about loans. 

If you have a savings goal, a term deposit can offer a low-risk way to invest your money and earn a fixed rate of interest.

BCU Bank Lending Manager, Grant Douglass, is a family man who understands organising a home loan can be stressful – especially while juggling the kids.

You’ve organised flights, accommodation, and activities, but have you organised your finances?

One of the essential items to prepare before you head overseas is your money.

Make the most out of your hard-earned money when you travel.

BCU Bank’s mobile lender Christina Morris is a true Clarence Valley local.

When temperature ranges rise, sometimes the only way to beat the heat is to switch on your air-conditioner – even if you know it’s going to cost you.

With energy prices hiking across Australia, it’s important to understand your energy consumption to avoid a hefty bill at the end of the quarter.

With shopping centres flooding with extravagant Christmas decor and gift ideas, it’s natural to want to start your holiday spending early.

However, if you haven’t set a budget you could fall into the trap of overspending.

To avoid starting your new year in debt, here are some tips to track your expenses.

For many of us, our phone and computers are a key part of everyday life.

There’s not much we can’t do on our smart devices, from shopping and booking experiences, to browsing social media, transferring money and filling out forms.

With so much information shared online each day, it’s important you’re aware of how you can protect yourself and your data from scams and fraud.

If you have financial aspirations, a solid budget is usually the first plan to help achieve your goals.

Managing your money gives you more choice for the future and it pays to start as soon as possible.

There’s a lot to think about when looking to buy a new home.

Before you start scrolling online for open home listings, spend some time planning how you will save your house deposit.

For many Maclean locals, Paula Eckersley is a familiar, friendly face.

Since moving to the region with her husband 20 years ago, Paula has come to understand the importance of relationships in small towns.

Not all savings accounts are created equal.

So how do you go about selecting the best savings account to meet your needs?

If you’ve ever forgotten to update your address or contact details, you could be entitled to lost money from bank accounts, shares, investments and life insurance policies.

Most people don’t think twice about their credit rating, also known as credit score, until it comes time to apply for a home loan. However, it’s something that a lender or bank will consider when assessing an application for credit.

Banking online has never been easier. It’s a convenient way to check your balance, make payments, transfer money, and manage your finances.

As the days start to get longer and warmer, it’s a popular time to dust off the cobwebs and give the house a thorough spring clean.

Scamwatch has urged people to be wary of phone messages from a family member or friend claiming they need help, following a significant rise in text message scams.

An offset account can help you to manage the interest payable on your home loan and reach your savings goal.

Your tax return can often feel like free money, but it’s not – you’ve worked hard throughout the year to earn it.

Whether you’re a steadfast saver or someone who usually blows their entire tax return only to regret it later, there are several things you could do to make the most of your tax return.

“Buy Now, Pay Later” (BNPL) is often promoted as a cheaper alternative to credit cards, but new research shows it could end up costing you more.

Securing a lower interest rate is often the main reason homeowners choose to refinance their home loan, however, there are several other factors to consider to help you choose a loan that meets your needs.

It’s a good idea to do a health check on your home loan every 12 months to make sure it’s still helping you to meet your financial goals.

Most of us use online banking almost every day, however, are you familiar with all of the features the BCU Bank app has to offer? Here are eight great features you might not know about our app.

A little-known fact is that Apple has 'privacy labels' that help you see what kind of data is being collected by your apps.

Make sure you’re ready for tax time by getting your financial affairs in order now.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ lending indicators data for December 2020, the value of renovations and additions reached a record high of $941.6 million at the end of 2020 nationally.

With the property market in overdrive, many home owners are busy planning upgrades to their home in preparation for selling.

If this year has taught us anything, it’s that financial setbacks or stress can happen, even with the best laid plans and intentions. We can’t always predict certain life events, such as a marriage breakdown, job loss, ill health or personal injury, which can all quickly derail your financial goals or leave you struggling.

This week marks National Scam Awareness Week for 2020.

2020 has had a far-reaching impact on all Australians and has undoubtedly thrown many of us a lot of curveballs. Whether you have been directly impacted by job or income loss, a fall in the value of your superannuation or investments, or even if you’re using this time to bunker down and get ahead, budgeting has never been more important.

Meet our Macksville local Home Loan Specialist – Katrina Hicks

In recent weeks, our communities have received a large amount of information about the Coronavirus that has left many feeling anxious, confused and helpless.

How can I make purchases without using cash?

With the recent changes to the way businesses are now trading, many retailers are no longer accepting cash payments. Steering away from cash is a good way to limit the transmission of potentially harmful disease in these times, but what about shopping for essential items and paying bills?

When it comes to supermarkets, it may not surprise you to know they cleverly use behavioural economics research to design the optimal shopping experience. But is this done for you, or for them? When you walk into a supermarket, the game is between you and the sales and marketing teams that designed that supermarket.

Buying online can have its advantages - 24/7 shopping, no need to brave the crowds, delivered right to your door, and now, for many retailers, the ability to buy now and pay later.

There are so many good reasons to start saving money! It might be for that holiday you’ve been planning, your dream home that you’re finally looking at buying, or you may simply want to set money aside for unexpected bills and expenses. No matter what type of budget you have, finding ways to save money can help you learn to manage your money better and live more comfortably in the future.

Picture this - it’s Thursday evening and you’re relaxing in front of the television while scrolling through your social media account absent-mindedly.

Did you know that some of the advertisements you may see on popular social networking sites might be a scam?

We sat down with bcu's Sunshine Coast Lender David Cawthorne to discuss investment home loans.

How a scholarship can make a difference to your education.

Transitioning between jobs can be an exciting time; although with change comes stress and with changing jobs, can come financial stress.

South-east Australia is known for getting chilly during winter, bringing in the peak time for bills; so here are 5 ways to save this winter.

Just how exercising and eating healthy can help you get into shape, it’s also important to take on healthy financial habits to keep your accounts in shape too.

When you choose to bank with a customer owned banking institution, there are a number of benefits you can enjoy.

Now that uni is in full-swing here are some tips and insights to help you save money at uni.

Important information

Banking and Credit products issued by Police & Nurses Limited (BCU) ABN 69 087 651 876 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 240701. Any advice does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Read the relevant Product Terms and Condition, before acquiring this product in considering and deciding whether it is right for you. The Target Market Determination (TMD) for products is available on request. Lending criteria, terms & conditions, fees & charges apply.